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How I got started-


It all started in 2007 with a bottle of Oregano and Thieves. Seriously, someone gave me both to help me recover from a nasty cold/congestion thing and it worked. I was on about 3 different medicines and nothing was working. THESE worked. I was hooked! I kept buying it over the years and no one ever asked me to join up and buy a kit so I didn't even know you could! When I found that out, I drug my feet for 6 months then finally jumped in. I had been recommending and "selling" it for YEARS without even knowing what I was doing just by telling my friends how much they helped my family.

So I was late to the party on getting that lovely discount and the awesome kit to play with!!! That alone is worth it to me!

They can have amazing healing properties! Essential oils are used for aromatherapy, massage therapy, emotional health, personal care, nutritional supplements, household solutions, and so much more.

Many essential oils are immune-enhancing, mood-elevating, aromatic, regenerating, and oxygenating.

Essential oils can be powerful antioxidants, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, antimicrobial, and more.


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